Peter Goring. Web developer / programmer since 2006. Experience working with many different types of customer. Creates solutions for networks and intranets. Enhances web presences for an array of clients.
Staxotrax is a venture of mine through which I can explore my different areas of interest, namely audio and visual projects and web development.
Staxotrax Sound
& Light
Staxotrax Sound and Light was born in the early 1970s
by my father and his friends. They would take equipment designed and built
to their own specific designs to small gigs in the local area, providing a
professional and friendly entertainment service. In the late 1980s the group
were beginning to settle down and start their families, so Staxotrax went into hibernation.
As the twenty-first century rolled around, I found
evidence of the olds days of Staxotrax in and around the house. My curiosity
soon grew into a passion as more and more came out about the gigs, equipment
and good times. I began to do small events for my friends and dabbled with
the technical side of local amateur dramatic groups. From there Staxotrax
Sound and Light blossomed and I now have regular gigs and a modest but loyal
client base.
My passion for web design and development stems from
playing with basic programs whilst at school. I started creating personal
websites for friends and family when I was about 16, as well as for my Scout
group and local photographers. I also started creating small intranets for
networks. I acquired a good reputation, and was soon building websites for
businesses and continue to do so now under the name of Staxotrax Web Design
and Development.